Steel measuring tapes are a very convenient tool for measuring great lengths. Imagine having to measure the width of a garden or plot using a scale. A flexible steel measuring tape serves the purpose well. A leading steel measuring tape manufacturer in India, Venus India makes the finest and most accurate measuring tapes there are. We are good at what we do as we take adequate care to ensure highest standards of quality and strict adherence to excellence. The best machines, finest raw materials and the latest technology are put to use to make every piece truly exceptional in workmanship and utility.

Though there are plenty of styles of measuring tapes available in the market, the steel measuring tape has no match. It is accurate as it is unaffected by changes in temperature and is extremely durable. Steel measuring tapes in India are the very best and confirm to international standards and Venus India takes it a step further by offering more than accuracy. We offer retractable systems that will work for years on end and tapes that will resist wear and tear while being the best for the job at hand. Being in the form of a tape that is wrapped around a core, it offers easy portability to long lengths of measures without becoming huge and can be easily carried in a pocket. Whether you want to measure a straight length, around corners or along curves, it is the perfect tool.

Seek Steel measuring tapes from Venus India when you want dependability. From professional tapes to work specific tapes, we present the best variety. Make your work hours stretch with fool-proof and hassle free tools that will get your work done sooner and in a better manner. With our reputation for accurate, reliable and long lasting tools, you don't have to look further to find the best.