Venus India is a measuring tape company that manufactures a host of handtools of premium quality. Among the many measuring tape manufacturers, we have a place of pride owing to our finesse and high quality products. You can buy our accurate measuring tapes online in India. Depending on the use, we manufacture different types of measuring tapes, such as steel measuring tapes and fibreglass measuring tapes.

Steel Measuring Tapes -
Our steel measuring tapes come in self-rolling and automatic rolling varieties with different graduations to best suit your purpose. Accurate, reliable and resilient, we as measuring tape manufacturers take due care that our products provide the maximum value for money. Resistant to corrosion and wear and tear, these tapes will last very long. We also provide a locking mechanism for easier measuring and belt clasps for carrying it around.

Fibreglass Measuring Tapes -
Widely used in the construction industry, fibreglass measuring tapes provide accurate readings with ease. Varied graduations in different units are available and the tapes come in varying lengths too. You can readily find these measuring tapes online in India and put them to effective use where they help you get exact measurements with ease.